Sharon King![]()
ProfileSharon King, creator and director of Magical New Beginnings, has been working in the field of emotional health for 19 years. Her journey into this field began when her soul partner was killed and she was forced to address the emotional challenges that came with this experience. Sharon learned not only to address these challenges but how to transform emotions on a very deep and fundamental level. This personal crisis, far from being an end, became instead a beginning for her, as she set about upon a deep personal exploration of how emotions affect our health and wellbeing. Sharon studied with countless leading teachers in the field of emotions, energy and health. She began to piece those teachings together and advance them. She worked for a number of years specializing in the birth experience, and how it affects our emotional health during our childhood and adult life. She went on to develop the Matrix Birth Reimprinting protocols which became a foundational cornerstone in a self-help technique called Matrix Reimprinting. Sharon leads the field in this area, and her techniques are published in the book Matrix Reimprinting Using EFT, which is was released by publishing giants Hay House in August 2010. Since then Sharon has gone on to further develop her own techniques, and is delivering workshops around the world and further her findings all the time. She currently specialized in teaching people to find their soul purpose, clear ancestral patterns and working with past lives, expanding the birth reimprinting work and enabling people to truly discover what they are here for with her own Matrix Life Purpose workshop. Sharon has also been a regular presenter on the Matrix Reimprinting webinar program, which is attended by thousands of Matrix Reimprinting practitioners and enthusiasts worldwide. One of Sharon’s key skills is her ability to unlock people’s potential. She is both intuitive and compassionate, meaning that she can help people to shine a light on where their blocks are and sensitively transform them with a mixture of emotional and energy work. Sharon’s work is gaining popularity worldwide because of this ability. Sharon’s other passion is to work with colour, using the Colour Mirror system and the healing modality Deeksha for her own journey to awakening and transformation and helping others to do the same.. Qualifications
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Energists in Hampshire